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Medicine in Remote Areas (MIRA)

Medicine in Remote Areas (MIRA)


The Medicine in Remote Areas Course (MIRA) was developed by Iqarus to provide students who already have experience in pre-hospital care with the added skills and knowledge to be able to deal with casualties in a remote environment where evacuation may be delayed. This Iqarus course is endorsed by the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, meeting all requirements of the Faculty’s Pre-Hospital Emergency Management Skills Framework at Descriptor D. It is an ideal development course for medics working in mountain rescue, expedition and exploration, media industry, humanitarian and disaster relief fields.

The Iqarus MIRA course is delivered over 5 challenging days, during which learners will develop their understanding and application of:

  • Dynamic risk assessment
  • Appropriate use of protective equipment
  • Triage and scene management
  • Effective communication
  • The management of injuries from common mechanisms of injury, including moving vehicle collisions, ballistics trauma, assault, penetrating trauma and falls from height.
  • Basic life support and oxygen therapy
  • Basic and advanced management of massive external bleeding
  • Basic, intermediate and advanced airway management
  • Basic and advanced management of chest injuries
  • Circulatory system assessment and hemorrhage control
  • Shock and fluid replacement (I.V & I.O)
  • The recognition and management of traumatic brain injuries
  • Management of fractures, dislocations and burns
  • Prevention and management of environmental illnesses
  • The recognition and management of medical emergencies, including special circumstances
  • Appropriate patient packaging and casualty handling
  • Remote area and prolonged patient care.



QUALIFICATION: Endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). Conforms to the requirements of the Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) Framework descriptor D – for nationally certificated non healthcare professional providers caring for patients as a secondary role, i.e., Police Officers in specialist roles, Fire Service IEC, equivalent UKSAR trained personnel, Enhanced Community First Responder.

The Iqarus MIRA qualification is valid for three years.

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    Ever set up a triage when it’s -20 degrees? Everything you’ve trained for is suddenly more difficult when you can see your breath in front of your face. When your fingers are stiff and cold, and when your patient is wearing so many layers you can’t see the injury. Experience these real-life challenges and more in our Arctic Room.